Dear APRN Friends,
Greetings from APRN!
August 8, 2019 marked the 52 nd ASEAN Day as all ASEAN member countries commemorated the 52 nd anniversary of ASEAN which was founded in 1967. For the past 5 years APRN has been witness to the enormous changes in ASEAN to
date. We are very proud that APRN is part of the rapid and growing changes it has brought to each region. ASEAN has grown from strength to strength and with the ASEAN Community established in 2015, we are indeed embracing its commitment to One Vision, One Identity and One Community as APRN’s vision to be the highest holder of PR professional standards in ASEAN.
As ASEAN continues to grow APRN represents our shared commitment to move forward as equal partners in reaching out to more possibilities to come together and be unified as we strive for an ASEAN that is inclusive, vibrant and connected to deliver integrated services that will meet the needs of each member in the midst of diversity making sure everyone has an equal voice. And again, let me congratulate everyone as we continue to celebrate ASEAN Day milestone and achievements, we should also be challenged, as the work is never ending. Let us soar high together as we look forward to what is ahead of us for a better life in the HOME that we call ASEAN.
Prita Kemal Gani, MBA, MCIPR, APR