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The ASEAN Public Relations Network is a member of Global Alliance of Public Relations and Communication Management therefore we strongly adhere and anchor to its principles of professional practice (GA Code 2018).

We undertake:

To conduct ourselves professionally, with integrity, objectivity, truth, proof-based communication, accuracy, fairness, and responsibility to our clients, our organisations, our organisations’ stakeholders and to a wider society.

To improve our individual competence and advance the knowledge and proficiency of the profession through continuing education and research and, where available, through the pursuit of professional credentials or accreditation.

To give consideration to the protection of privacy of individuals and respect for the spirit as well as the letter of applicable laws

To adhere to the principles of the Code of Professional Standards for the Practice of Public Relations and communication


We are committed to ethical practices, preservation of public trust, and the pursuit of communication excellence with high standards of performance, professionalism, and ethical conduct.

Advocacy. We will serve our organisations and employer and client interests by acting as responsible advocates and by providing a voice in the market place of ideas, facts, and viewpoints to aid informed public debate.

Disclosure. We will disclose any conflict of interest and offer transparency. We will be forthcoming about sponsors of causes and interests and never engage in misleading practices.

Honesty. We will adhere to the highest standards of accuracy and truth in advancing the interests of clients and employers.

Integrity. We will conduct our business with integrity and observe the principles and spirit of the Code in such a way that our own personal reputation and that of our employer/clients, and the public relations/communication profession in general is protected.



Expertise. We will encourage members to acquire and responsibly use specialized knowledge and experience to build understanding and client/employer credibility. We will not promise what we cannot deliver. Furthermore, we will actively promote and advance the profession through continued professional development, research, and education.

Loyalty. We urge members to demonstrate commitment to those they represent, while honoring their obligations to serve the interests of society and support the right of free expression.

  • We believe it is the duty of every association and every member within that association that is party to the Code of Professional Standards to:
  • Acknowledge that there is an obligation to protect and enhance the profession.
  • Remain informed and educated about practices in the profession that ensure ethical conduct.
  • Actively pursue personal professional development.
  • Accurately define what public relations activities can and cannot accomplish and manage expectations, targets, and contracts accordingly.
  • Counsel its individual members in proper ethical decision-making generally and on a case specific basis.
  • Require that individual members observe the ethical recommendations and behavioral requirements of the Code.