PRIA National Conference
Communication Innovation
14th – 15th November, 2016 Sydney

Change is a defining word of our decade. From our climate, to our technology, to consumer behaviour, to our governments and our jobs, being able to keep pace with change has become a part of everyday life. Public relations and communication, for better or worse, is on the front lines, managing constant upheaval and disruption to the lives of people, the machinations of institutions and the operation of organisations. Innovation in the way we communicate is paramount to our survival.

In Australia, innovation has become the idea de jour to cope with the ubiquitous nature of change. All communicators are being challenged to find new ways to connect and engage with communities, stakeholders and publics on ever tighter budgets, with consultancies competing like never before for the campaign dollar. The Australian Government’s Innovation agenda, is said to be rewarding innovation and aim to celebrate it by proclaiming the era of the ideas boom. “There has never been a more exciting time to be an Australian” and in particular, a public relations practitioner.

Australia, as a geo-political leader in the Indian-Pacific region, has a responsibility to discover and share new ways of doing business and, as always, public relations leads the peloton. The question is will we win the race?

This year’s national conference in Sydney, New South Wales will tackle these big ideas, discussing the challenges our industry faces and if we are lucky, together we will discover innovative new ways of communicating with, connecting to and impacting on our ever changing society.