On June 30, 2020 ASEAN PR Network held its second live webinar via Zoom. This live webinar is part of APRN’s webinar series called APRN #PRCORONAVIRUS Webithon Series. This time the live webinar carried the theme “Roadmap of Post Pandemic and The New Normal in ASEAN Region”. Hosted by President of ASEAN PR Network and also the Founder & CEO of LSPR Communication and Business Institute, Mrs.Prita Kemal Gani, MBA, MCIPR, APR. Open to the public, this webinar invites Mr. Robert Conceicao – Founder/Director Majic Communications & Past President of Institute PR Singapore, Ms. Yin Xiaodong – Founder of 17PR.Com & President of Public Relations and Global Communication Club, China, Mr. Jaffri Amin Osman – Vice President of Institute PR Malaysia, and Mr. Nutthaboon (Chung) P. – Representative from Thailand PR Association.

During the webinar the speakers shared the preparation that has been planned and done in their country to prepare for the  new normal. They shared the contribution of Public Relations profession to the preparation in each of their countries. Last but not least they also shared their observation of the changes to people’s behaviour in communication and also the media. Mrs.Prita mentioned in her final conclusion statement that, & quote; “With most crises, it’s clearly certain an end will come. We are always positive on this. As hope is always in our midst.”

“Despite these trying times, the pandemic has allowed Public Relations & Communication Industry to innovate. It’s a unique time for all of us. Public Relations ability to provide strategic guidance from a wide perspective, inside a company and across industries, is making the value of communicators very clear.”

PR Practitioners & Communicators can help companies in seeking a stronger connection to their people and customers, and the scenario planning and stakeholder analysis skills are very much in demand. And just as important, the empathy and sensitivity of what Public Relations & Communication Industry brings has never been more needed in this times of Recovery during this Post Pandemic.

APRN #PRCORONAVIRUS Webithon series will show the significant role of public relations in dealing with the current situation we are all facing, by acting professionally, timely communicating with stakeholders, and giving advice to management to cope with various business and community situations. Previously APRN also has uploaded three videos on demand on its Youtube channel which can be accessed through https://youtu.be/1Le-TaQI54E . It is also initiated to raise funds via Webithon to support victims of the pandemic within the Autism Community to support APRN’s commitment to Global Alliance Diversity & Inclusion Month this June 2020.