ASEAN Public Relations was established in 2014 and is highly supported by the ASEAN Secretariat as one of the catalyst in communicating its one of their key elements of ASEAN connectivity which is the people to people linkages. 

One of APRN’s noble aim is to bridge the need for connectivity among the public relations professionals and associations, a series of dialogues and discussions are set to address current issues of a particular sector or industry.  This forum will have an intensive half-day discussion revolving around the theme “The Winning Communication Strategies to Navigate the Complexities of ASEAN Economic Community” then in the afternoon will be a visit to some of the Singaporean state-owned companies.

The key benefits of this programme will be to develop communication strategies and assess the organization’s ability to implement them on the national and local levels where the organization operates. Second benefit is to assess the organization’s communication departments’ utilization of social networking, on-line public relations and reputation management, research using social media and managing issues and crisis admist the rapid growth of social media. Following the Forum is a company visit to Singapore Press Holdings LTD and SMRT Corporation Ltd in Singapore where the participants will have a short briefing and sharing sessions about the organisations with respective authorities in the companies.

The keynote speech was made by Mr. Robert Conceicao, President of Institute of Public Relations Singapore, and the speakers were Mr. Nico Wattimena, PhD, Honorary Council and Board of Expert of APRN, Ms. Krishnasamy Bhavani, MA, Former President of IPRS, Ms. Shameem Abdul Jalil APR, FIPR, Former President of IPRM and Ms. Hersinta Suroso M. Si, Researcher at London School of Public Relations Jakarta.

The dates for the forum is soon to be announced.