Jakarta: In conjunction with ASEAN Day on 8th August 2018, The ASEAN Foundation and Maybank Foundation launched The eMpowering Youths Across ASEAN (EYAA). It’s a collaborative programme dedicated to empowering the youth and communities across the region. The programme provides the youth with an experiential and educative learning platform through social volunteerism. They collaborate with people from diverse backgrounds to implement their ideas and advocate solutions to grounded issues in local communities across ASEAN. They delve into an impactful journey to make a tangible, meaningful change among target communities in Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, and—soon in Cohort 3—Singapore.
Implemented in partnership with Maybank Foundation, the programme aims to gather 120 youth volunteers (aged 18-35) from ten ASEAN countries to collaborate with local civil society organisations (CSO) and social enterprises (SE) to implement community projects in Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, The Philippines, and Singapore.
The eMpowering Youths Across ASEAN (EYAA) are inviting every organisation to apply for the programme as an implementing partner that will help and guide 12 youth volunteers from ten ASEAN Countries to implement a community object in your community. There are also benefits that you will receive as a selected CSO or SE such as, A grant up to USD 27,000 per community project, Regional workshop on project management and leadership, and Regional exposure.
Come and Join the EYAA programme by applying at bit.ly/EYAA3_IP by 5 March 2023 at the latest.
For further information, you may contact at aseanempoweringyouth@aseanfoundation.org