Jakarta, 16th July 2020: ASEAN PR Network held its third live webinar through Zoom as part of APRN’s webinar series called “Agile PR Leaders in The New Norm”. The webforum presented PR Leaders speaking on agility in the New Norms including a success story to access the ‘C suite’. It was hosted by President of ASEAN PR Network and also the Founder & CEO of LSPR Communication and Business Institute, Mrs. Prita Kemal Gani, MBA, MCIPR, APR. Open to the public, this webinar invited Ms. Leigh McClusky – National President of Public Relations Institute of Australia and Managing Director McCo Group to speak as well as Ms. Fiona Cassidy – Chair of Public Relations Institute of New Zealand, and Ms. Ana Pista – Vice President – External of Public Relations Society of the Philippines.
As we continue to face what is ahead of us, the need to constantly adapt and future-proof ourselves against increasing disruption and uncertainties, there is a need to embrace AGILITY and other concepts. Covid-19 has clearly accelerated many of us to change and accelerate our every effort and most leaders like our guests today are kicking into high gear to understand what type of leadership skills may be needed for managing virtual teams and remote workers. But the bottom line is we need these four core agile leadership competencies; Humility, Adaptability, Visionary and how to Engage as these skills are all valuable before, during and will continue to be relevant now in the post pandemic Covid-19. As we continue to face what is ahead of us, there is a need to constantly adapt and future-proof ourselves against increasing disruption and uncertainties, a need to embrace AGILITY and other concepts.