Member Benefits
New Information
Information about what’s happening around and with the ASEAN PR Community in ASEAN News Online every 3 week along with tips and insights for you about Public Relations.
Expand Networks
Connect with Professional PR Practitioner and Academician members from ASEAN countries who could also be speakers in the ASEAN Public Relations Talks.
Profile Credentials
Get discounts on professional certification and from merchant partners with the APRN Membership Card. Gain new skills, knowledge, experience, recognition and business opportunities in the ASEAN PR Industry, also contribute in the APRN and CAPRS Journals.
Tools to leverage
Access to the ASEAN PR Directory such as PR Practitioners, PR Educators, and PR Associations with your membership and join exclusive PR Events.
ASEAN PR Network is the Regional Asia-Pacific Office of the Global Alliance, you will also gain access to the Global Alliance International Programmes (Education, Training & Development Month, Health & Wellbeing Month, Association Leaders Workshop, and more). Collaborate with and Join APRN Events (seminars, workshops, colloquiums, conferences, forum discussions, visits, road shows) and Programmes (research, lecturer exchange, student exchange and many more) while collaborating with CAPRS.
Promote your events, books or compile work in the APRN official website. Get special privileges and discounts for APRN workshops and events. Furthermore, have a chance to influence the development of PR Practice and its affiliates across ASEAN countries.