For the first time, ASEAN Public Relations Network (APRN) has included the PR program of companies in Indonesia to join an international competition GA COMM PRIX Award 2016 which is organized by The Global Alliance (GA) for Public Relations and Communication Management ( in Toronto, Canada.
Participants of this year’s competition PR program are the winners of the PR of the Year 2015 Mix-Marcomm Magazine, Nutricia Greater Jakarta Strike Back Plan. This is Nutricia’s strategy to increase market share in Jabodetabek (Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang and Bekasi) and reclaim its position as the market leader in Greater Jakarta in 2015.
GA COMM PRIX 2016 Awards is a global awards program designed to appreciate the best in the field of communications and public relations as well as to improve the relationships with stakeholders of the organizations. Global Alliance is a confederation of associations and institutions of public relations and communication management leading the world, representing 160,000 practitioners and academics throughout the world. The mission of Global Alliance is to bring together the PR profession, improve professional standards throughout the world, share knowledge for the benefit of its members, and be the global voice for PR relating to the public interest.
ASEAN PR Network is an association where all the PR professions from across ASEAN unite and is also a member of The Global Alliance. ASEAN PR Network was inaugurated on June 2, 2014 and received full support from the perpetrators of public relations in ASEAN. Public relations professionals and practitioners from the Philippines, Singapore, Vietnam, Malaysia, Brunei, Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, and Myanmar had attended the inauguration of APRN.
Nutricia is part of the Danone Group, a global company engaged in the field of nutrition. In addition to having a very broad global network, Nutricia also has research centers in the Netherlands and Singapore with more than 300 scientists and technology experts especially assigned to improve the quality of the ELN for as many families in the world. For more than 100 years, Nutricia has pioneered innovations nutrition early in life (Early Life Nutrition or ELN).