Dear APRN Friends,
Greetings from APRN!
I heartily congratulate us all here at ASEAN Public Relations Network as we marked the 5 th
Anniversary of APRN last June. APRN is a professional organization like no other. With an
ASEAN membership that serves diverse ASEAN Nations, it has made impressive progress not
only in ASEAN but also globally.
APRN has created networks of PR Professionals all over the world and is still seriously
connecting ASEAN PR professionals to speak with one voice. I pause, look back and realize
that in the past 5 years APRN has grown its membership from the 10 ASEAN member
countries. Nevertheless, there’s still so much to do! The recent MOU statement of
commitment is a great window of opportunity that we all need to work towards utilizing fully.
Join us to raise the banner of ASEAN PR Network. Participate in our programmes and add your
voice as we move together in ASEAN…
Prita Kemal Gani, MBA, MCIPR, APR