Friday, December 22nd 2017, In commemorating the Indonesia Mother’s Day, Women On Top, a radio show program hosted by Mrs. Prita Kemal Gani the President of APRN and the Director of LSPR Jakarta hold a live talk show with “Empowering Women Through Leadership “ as the special theme. The event was hold at Graha Center Pertamina Hospital Jakarta – Indonesia.
Mrs. Prita Kemal Gani stated that “a mother has an important role in the development of character, mental and manners of a child. Home is where the child has his/her very own first interaction with the mother, a well-mannered mother will be able to teach her kids to have good manners as well”
Women On top has also invited Dr. dr, Christina Linda Wahjuni, SpOT, M, Kes, FICS, CCD specialized in orthopedic and dr. Endah Ronawulan, Sp. KJ specialized in Psychiatry as the resource speakers. Dr. Linda has won an award from MURI (Indonesia Record Museum) as the first doctor specialized in orthopedic and traumatology and dr.Endah who was part of the team of doctors from the Indonesia Health Ministry and the World Health Organization who helped the Tsunami victims in Aceh.