Dear APRN Members and Friends,
Following the ongoing crisis of Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV), APRN would like to share our deepest sympathies to countries impacted by the pandemic which has taken so many lives. Our thoughts and healing prayers are with family and friends who are affected by the virus and we wish a speedy recovery to those who are ill, in the hope that we will be able to fight this pandemic strongly and unitedly.
First off, the APRN office remains open but with reduced staffing as some team members will be working from home beginning March 17. In addition, we have postponed all large meetings and events for the months of March to June 2020 as a precaution and to limit risk for members and staff. Staff have all been instructed to stay home if they have any fever or other flu-like symptoms.
As a service to members, we urge you to send us press releases and other information that we can pass on to the broader community. You can also reach out to us if you hear of things and we will try to check them out and give updates.
Thank you very much. We do hope and pray for the health and safety of everyone.
Prita Kemal Gani, MBA, MCIPR, APR
President APRN