This 13th and 14th of February 2017, Ms. Gesille Sedra Buot met with Mr. Chin Sung Chew, Vice President of National Union of Journalists Peninsular Malaysia and Mr. Jerome De Rozario, General Secretary of National Union of Journalists Peninsular Malaysia to discuss about the up and coming ASEAN PR Conference 2017 and Dato’ Haji Ibrahim Abdul Rahman, APR, FIPR, Director General Department of Information – President of Institute of Public Relations Malaysia (IPRM), Malaysia
The National Union of Journalists Malaysia (NUJ) is the only organization of working journalists in the country that represents the industrial, social and welfare interest of around 1,400 journalists. NUJ was formed on August 30, 1962 and is the main authority that negotiates and determines the correct rates and other terms and conditions for journalist employment in different publishing houses.
While IPRM is an organization that does not belong to any individual professional Public Relations practitioner, but rather to all those in its portal who desire the systematic, organised growth and development of Public Relations as a profession which can contribute positively to the nation’s continuous growth and development in all spheres of human endeavours.
NUJ and IPRM has agreed to become one of our association partners for the ASEAN PR Conference 2017. With their experience and knowledge, we are sure they will be a valuable part of this event.