Global Alliance: January 2024 is all about us: Health and Wellbeing Month
As 2023 draws to an end we know it has been a busy year and many of us are still dealing with looming deadlines and completing projects before the Christmas break. Often in all the busyness we forget to take time for ourselves and often end the work year feeling tired and rundown.
Health and wellbeing has become part of business as usual and as public relations and communications management practitioners it is important we have an updated professional tool kit so we can add value in this space. We also need to look after our own health and wellbeing so we can operate at our best.
To start 2024 Global Alliance is running Health and Wellbeing month in January which will provide tips and tools that we can use in both our professional and personal lives. There will daily tips, articles, resources and webinars from around the world for you.
Information will be made available on Global Alliance social platforms so make sure you add Global Alliance website, facebook and twitter links to your socials so you know what’s coming up in January. The start date is 8 January. If you have any resources that you would like to share with the Global Alliance community, then please email the Global Alliance.
I hope you get the chance to have a relaxing break with family and friends and look forward to being in touch in 2024.
Fiona Cassidy
Chair, Health and Wellbeing Month – January 2024